Friday, 21 January 2011


Not an exhaustive list, and probably includes many that I won't ever use, but here goes:

AF: Aunty Flo – Period.
AP: Attacthment Parenting
BF: Breastfeeding/ Breastfeed/ Boyfriend/ Best Friend
BD: Baby Dancing - Having sex
BH: Braxton Hicks Contractions
BIL: Brother-In-Law
BLW: Baby Led Weaning
BTW: By the way
CS: Caesarean Section
DD: Dear Daughter
DF: Dear Fiancé
DH: Dear Husband
DP: Dear Partner
DS: Dear Son
DSD: Dear Step-Daughter
DSS: Dear Step-Son
DTD: Do The Deed or Did The Deed
DW: Dear Wife
EDD: Estimated date of delivery
EmCS: Emergency CS
ElCS: Elective CS
FF: Formula Feeding
FIL: Father-In-Law
FWIW: For what it's worth
G&A: Gas and air/ Entenox
HB: Home Birth
HCG: Human chorionic gonadotropin
HE: Home Education
HG: Hyper emesis Gravidarum
HS: Home Schooling
HTH: Hope that helps
IYKWIM: If You Know what I mean?
IKWYM: I Know what you mean
IIRC: If I Recall Correctly
IRL: In real life – ie the real world (step away from the computer!)
KWIM: Know what I mean?
KWYM: Know what you mean
LBP: Laid Back Parent (i.e. Me)
LMAO: Laughing My A*** Off
LMP: Last Menstrual Period (Start Date)
LO: Little One
LOL: Laugh out loud
MAP: Morning After Pill
MB: Messageboard
M/S: Morning sickness
MC, m/c: Miscarriage
MMC: Missed Miscarriage
MIL: Mother-In-Law
MW: Midwife
OB/GYN: Obstetrician/Gynaecologist
OMG: Oh My God
OH: Other Half
PG: Pregnant
PMPL: “Weeing” my pants laughing!!
ROTFL: Rolling on the floor laughing
SAHD: Stay at home dad
SAHM: Stay at home mum
SAHW: Stay at home wife
SIL: Sister-In-Law
S/O or SO: Significant Other
SPD: Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction
TBH: To be Honest
TMI: Too much information
TTC: Trying To Conceive
TTFN: Ta Ta for now
VBAC: Vaginal Birth After CS
WAHD: Work at home dad
WAHM: Work at home mum
WB: Waterbirth
WUM: Wind up Merchant

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