Today is Mother's Day, in the UK. It is usually the last Sunday in March; I don't know why it has changed to April this year, unless it is somehow also linked to Easter? Mr. Internet probably knows somewhere.
Today I had a lay-in, and DH took DD1 and DD2 downstairs nice and early, so I could sleep. Then, just before 10am, DD1 ran in shouting "Happy Mother's Day" and DH brought me a large cooked breakfast in bed, and a glass of orange juice and I had a card from my two DDs with a lovely picture of the moon drawn by DD1. (Why there's a picture of the moon in my card, I don't know, but shhh, don't tell her that.)
And because I want to grow my own, I used today as an excuse for DH to buy me lots of gardening stuff. So off we went and bought a watering can, compost, plant feed, name tags, tomato grow bags, strawberry plant in a hanging basket, a bucket and a water power thingy for the patio (which is really a new toy for DH and cost more than all my stuff put together). Typically, as we were loading the car up it started to rain.
Since coming back home the rain has come and gone. I have managed to cut back the holly bush (I wanted to remove it totally, but DH thinks it looks good. It's just a bit too prickally for my liking), hang up the strawberry basket, and tidy the garden by putting the leafy things from next-door's palm-type tree into the compost. Not much, as I was hoping to sow some seeds too today, and cut the grass, but the weather has changed.
As it is Mum's day today, yesterday we went to visit my grandparents. My dad came down to visit them, with his wife and my sister, and we went across for just the day as we don't live too far away. Overall we had a nice time. Ate far too much (I may have mentioned this before, but my grandmother is a feeder), and brought loads home too, which we have been eating today. My family are not known for their tact, though, and the first thing that my grandad, my dad and my grandmother (all separately) said to me was how blothcy, red and spotty my face looks. Thanks(!) Yesterday morning I got up early-ish, had a shower. Chose clothes to help show slim I'm looking now. Used mousse in my hair to keep the curls, as nobody knew I had had my hair cut, let alone seen it. I even applied some make up, which I very rarely do, so that I could look my best. And they all comment on the state of my acne. :-( After my mum's comments a few weeks ago, I've even been using specific cleanser and a night lotion to help. Obviously they're not working are they. DH is still convinced that my face isn't that bad, but it made me feel so rubbish. I ended up asking directly about my weightloss and my new hairstyle. My grandad asked if my hair had grown - nope, I've only had 6-8inches cut off a fortnight ago. My Nan and my sister both said they liked my hair, though.
Anyway, before I upset myself again I should stop there. That was yesterday, and today is Mother's day. I wonder if I could even fit a bath in later on? :-)
Oh, and my nan bought me a dress and a swimming costume in a size 14, because the dresses she bought for me before didn't fit. The swimming cossie fits lovely - I'll look forward to wearing that on holiday in the summer - and DH said I look really slim in it. And the dress, looks and fits really good, but really it is slightly to big, as I can easily pinch in a good inch from either side!
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