Friday, 13 May 2011


Yesterday I put my washing on the line, and my strawberry plant has some big green straweberries on it, hurray! As a first try of growing them, I was really proud of myself. Then, when I went back to bring my washing inside, my strawberry plants (which are in a hanging basket) were all flat. :( I think either a cat, or one of the humungous pigeons we have here, must have decided to sit on it. I propped it back up as best I could, and this morning it's not looking too bad, so hopefully it's going ok.

My onions are doing really well, and must be nearing 10cm tall now! My two rows of carrots, otoh, have been demolished. There were about 3cm, and have now been eaten (?) back to practically nothing.I think  it's slugs, but the slugs have avoided the onions which are planted in alternate rows to the carrots. I still have no idea when to start thinning out the onions and carrots though. Think I may try and do some thinning tomorrow.

My tomato plants are coming along nicely too. I have 2 growbags either side of a trellace arch, and only one had sprouted, but now the other side (which is slightly in the shade) has started growing too, so overall I'm pleased.

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