Saturday 21st August I woke up with period pains and backache again, although this time it felt different as it followed the described pattern of waves rising to a peak and trailing off again. They were about 30-40seconds long, but were irregular, ranging from every 10mins to every hour and a half. After googling for info, I decided that I was indeed in very early labour. Unfortunately, what I'd read said that could last from a few hours to a few days, so still no sign anything was going to happen soon. It was typical, though, because my mum went on holiday to France yesterday, and my sister (2nd on call for childcare) couldn't make this w/e either.
We spent the day pottering about, and in the afternoon I decided that I would send DH to the supermarket to buy the big list of shopping that I wanted in the house for my home birth (food for during labour, food for midwives, and food for afterwards that I've been waiting 9 months to enjoy again; plus some champagne and a birthday cake for baby
Around 9.30pm, I think, the first mw came round. She did try and persuade me to go to the hospital, and after speaking to her supervisor, I was even offered a WBAC in the hospital – what I'd asked for all along! However, I declined and said I was looking forward to my HB and had no intention of going to hospital if I didn't need to. She examined me, and I was found to be 2-3cm, and I was happy bouncing on my ball with TENS. After a fair while, she decided to leave and I would call her back later. DH and I were very grateful for that, because she seemed very despondent and discouraging, as every other word seemed to be hospital.
DH and I started to assemble our birth pool when MIL and SFIL arrived. We half filled the pool with water, with the plan to fill the remaining bit, at the right temp, later when I'm about to get in. Contractions were getting stronger, and I phoned the mw back after the ILs went to bed. She arrived (in a more positive mood, thankfully!) and has phoned the second midwife to come round. I was still bouncing on the ball, with TENS, listening to the hypnotherapy music and coping reasonably. Actually, both midwives said I was coping well, and I was told that when I got to 4-5cm I could get in the pool. Hurray!
I was examined again around at 2am and I had reached this stage, but decided that I would stay out of the pool for as long as I was coping. So, at 3am I took off the TENS and got into the pool: it was bliss. I felt like I was coping much better, and could easily change position and I was able to breathe through the contractions. The contractions did slow down slightly, but as I knew I would need to get out to be examined again at 4, I wasn't too worried. Unfortunately, when I had the VE I was found to be 4cm (so less than I was before I got in the pool), so I dried off, put the TENS back on, and sat back on my ball. The contraction did get stronger again, but didn't speed up, staying at 1 every 5min. At 5am I was advised to stop eating in case of transfer and CS.
By 6am I was examined again, and still only 4cm.
By now it was hitting me that I had failed again. I was upset and disappointed, but I'd rather go in for a CS now, than to labour all day and need an EmCS at the end. On the good side, DD was now up, happy that Nanny and Grampy were here, and we were able to say goodbye before we left for the hospital. DH and I finished packing my hospital bag (that I'd only started packing yesterday when labour kicked off) and we drove to the maternity ward.
On arrival we were led to a room on delivery suite and it hit me again that I was in hospital and not getting the birth I wanted. When the mw came round, I said my request for a CS which she declined. I said that I was told because I'm VBAC I would be able to have a CS straight away, as I don't want to be induced. She said I didn't have to be induced if I didn't want to be, but I could not have a CS and my only other option was to go back home because I clearly was not in established labour yet. Now I felt worse than a failure. Of all the stuff I'd read about people being tricked to go to hospital, I felt that I had fallen for it, and now I actually arrived I was told I should've stayed home in the first place.
The mw wanted to monitor me for 20min, at which point I could go home if I wanted, so I agreed. By now, though, my contractions picked up and were getting stronger. A doctor came round and gave us the options. Interestingly, he said I could have a CS immediately if I wanted one, and the mw was there too, but he needed to go and check with theatre first. Now I was in the hospital I wanted that CS so we decided to stay. I was kept hooked up to a monitor and waited. I sent DH out to get a birthing ball for me and soon felt the need for g&a. By the time the doctor returned, my contractions had started up again and I was starting to dilate again. The pain was getting worse and I recognised that I wouldn't be able to cope too much longer, so I made my intention of an epidural known to the mw. I was still using g&a and TENS and ramping each up with each contraction, and demanding an epidural frequently. Eventually the anaesthetist came round to give the epidural, and things felt a lot better. (Not that I can really remember the time leading up to actually getting the epi.)
Then there was a mw shift change, and I had a mw who was with me when I laboured with DD, and a student mw who stayed practically the whole time. I kept contracting, had to have a few top-ups of the epi, but I was failing to progress again. This time I hit 8cm (the same 'magic dilation' I couldn't get past with DD) and was there for a good few hours. Yet again, I felt the sense of failure as I was beginning to consider a CS again, and I wished I was just given it when I asked first thing in the morning. I waited for as long as they would allow me, and finally I got to 8.5-9cm! I got stuck there again, for a few hours, but at least I had got past 8cm. They suggested that I have syntocinon drip. As I was induced with DD, and I know that synto increases the risk of scar rupture, beforehand I was adamant that I didn't want the drip. But by now, I was sooo close, and they explained that it would very gradually be increased and if I changed my mind at any point I would go straight for CS, so I agreed. Using the drip, did mean my epidural needed topping up again, but I finally reached 10cm. I was given an hour to 'rest' before I tried pushing, but I was fully dilated. Hurray!
Unfortunately, by now I'd been awake for what seemed a million hours (in reality it was about 7pm Sunday night) and was absolutely shattered and exhausted. In order to push, I had to wait for a contraction, hold my breath and push with all my might for as long as I could. I don't have too much memory of this, other than shouting that I couldn't do it. Another shift change at 8pm, and this mw made me focus much better on the pushing by counting each breath to 8. Not that I managed that very well (DH has just read this through, and said I managed much better with the counting than without it) but at least I had something else to concentrate on. Again, my memory is very hazy, but DH says I was pushing like this for a good hour or so, at which point they turned the synto off and said I should stop pushing. Now I have zero memory, but apparently I had to wait for an obstetrician who examined me, explained everything and then was taken to theatre for a forceps delivery. My next memory is of coming round in the theatre and asking a doctor what was happening, my midwife returned and explained everything. Said they would try forceps, and I would have to push again, and give me an episiotomy, but if that didn't work then I would be in place for an EmCS.
The epidural was increased to cover most my body, DH arrived in scrubs, and I had to wait for the next contraction. I started pushing and had to work through a few contractions, when I was getting upset again thinking I'd need a CS, and they said the head was through! Then the body, and baby was wrapped in a blanket and handed to me! A little girl, who cried straight away, and I couldn't believe I managed a VBAC.
DD2 was born at 11.34pm on Sunday 22nd august 2010 weighing 7lbs 15.5oz with a head circumference of 37cm. Not the birth I had planned, with much that I had ruled out, but she was delivered with a little bit of help and much effort by me.
I'm not planning on any more children, but I would definitely recommend a home birth, and/or a waterbirth to anyone who wants one. And if you are considered a 'difficult case' fight for what you want, and stay at home for as long as you possibly can before you do transfer, if you do.
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