Pretty much self explanatory, really.
DD1 is going really well with her potty training, and is often taking herself to the toilet without me. So, just now, she did just that. I heard her wash her hands, and pull the flush. (In our bathroom we have a toilet and a 'little toilet' - a potty with a lid.) Then I heard DD1 yell "I need another wee wee". So, she sat back on the little toilet.
After a whilst she started calling me, saying she dropped the poo. I shouted (as I was feeding DD2 downstairs) back asking if she dropped it in the toilet? She replied she needed help. (TMI: she often needs help to wipe her bum when she's pooed anyway.) So, upstairs I go... find the bathroom floor, and the mat, and DD1's legs, and the top of the lid of the potty all covered in poo. Yikes! First step was to lift DD1 straight into the bath. She then proceeded to make pooey footprints up and down the bath. Then I lifted all the poo-lumps into the toilet and wiped up all the smears off the floor and potty. I ran a shallow bath for DD1 and cleaned her up. I disinfected the floor and the potty. I removed the mat out of the way, put DD1's clothes with the mat, and the sponge, after she'd finished the bath. Quick towel down, and we all came downstairs.
It emerges that DD1 didn't need another wee, but a poo. Not a nice firm stool, but a sloppy messy one. When she finished, she went to empty the potty into the toilet, but somehow tripped (or something), splattering everything all over the place. Nice.
DD1 is now sat on the sofa in her dressing gown, and the dirty stuff is already being washed in the machine. I almost feel like supermum - although supermum probably wouldn't have got into that mess in the first place. LoL.
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