Sunday, 20 March 2011

Busy Busy

We (DH and I) spent a looooong time last week cleaning up and sorting things out, and some part of our house are almost unrecogniseable!  I may have already said, but we rearranged our living room, so that the sofa was in the middle of the room, and the dining table up behind (it's a butterfly folding one) which, so far, has had the desired effect of us eating altogether at the table, especially because the high chair is there too.

We have also tidied our bedroom , moving DD1's toy boxes back into her room, and putting DD2's moses basket back in the loft.  She sleeps in DD1's room (which I need to starting calling their shared bedroom) everynight now, and has started sleeping through - touch wood.  She has had a couple fo nights waking up again, but I'm hoping that we are now well on the road of sleeping through.

So, why have we tidied everything?  My mum was coming to visit to babysit both the LOs on Friday, whilst DH and I went to our Gaudy.  It's over ten years since we started university, and it was good to meet up with old friends, may of whom I hadn't seen since we left.  Some of our friends were complaining that they felt old, I didn't, partly because I'm always seen as young compared to some of my mum-friends who are over 10-years older than me.  We had a good time, but I had too much to drink.  I'm not an 18yr old anymore, and having gone through 2 alcohol free pregnancies, and I'm still BFing DD2 (so am barely drinking even now) I've forgotton how much of a lightweight I am.  In addition to that, being good hosts, our glasses were never empty: champagne, white wine, red wine, and after dinner drinks.  On the good side, DH said he didn't realise how drunk I was until we got to our room, so I don't think I've done anything too embarrassing in public.

Yesterday we caught the bus home and that's when I realised how old I am.  The older you get, the worse the hangovers are, and I was not looking forward to having two boistrous, excited LOs jumping all over me, as much as I had missed them for the night.  My mum seemed to have had a good time with them (and them with her), and I went to bed for a few hours, whilst DH looked after them and my mum left for home.  Later, DH went to bed, whilst I stayed with them.

Today, we have actually been really productive - or at lest it feels that way.  We;ve done 2 lots of clothes washing, walked to a pub for lunch and walked back, and I've done loads of gardening.  I have doubled (!) the size of my vegetable patch and pruned back some of the bushes in the garden.  I haven't double dug the veg patch, but tbh I'm starting to think that is too much like hard work for my liking.  Recently, I bought some garden gloves, some seeds, and a trowel/fork and a watering can for DD1.  DD1 was helping me dig the patch, as I was doing the gardening and wasn't getting too much in the way.  I hope as she gets older, it's something we can do together.

Anyway, must go as DD2 has just woken up and is crying.

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