Thursday 23 June 2011

Dear Diary,

I have sooo much to update you on: my sister's hen night, our recent holiday camping, gardening, weightloss (or lack of), our recent borrowings from the library, DD1's jump forwards by writing her name and spelling it correctly (even adults get the spelling wrong!), not to mention I think I still haven't written a book review of Playful Parenting, which I thought was really good.

Unfortunately, despite having a hectic 3 weeks, we're back home and life still seems full rush.  I'm trying to catch up on clothes washing, and ended up having 3 loads on the line this morning, only to get caught in a sudden downpour.  So, now I've brought most of it inside, and am trying to dry it between the clothes horses in front of the radiator (i turned them back on for 10min) and the tumble dryer.  The rest that is still on the line will have to stay out there until there is some space in the kitchen.  We still haven't unpacked everything from our hols, though finally got arround to moving the tent etc back to the shed last night.  The living room is a mess (not uncommon) but my mum is coming up tomorrow to babysit for us on Sat (we're going to see Bon Jovi at Hard Rock Calling - hurray!) and she *always* complains about the state of our house - especially because I'm at home all day.

I'm also debating whether to turn our upstairs box room into a room that I can tutor in (rather than me going to student's houses)?  I really want to move house, and whilst there are a few houses we could afford/get a mortgage on, we have zero deposit.  (By deposit, I'm including the negative equity difference on our current mortgage, and all lawyer/estate agent fees etc etc.) By tutoring at home, i'm hoping that we could get more people through the door on an evening, and therefore more money.

Have to go now, as DD1 is demanding I read You Choose to her, yet again!

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