This seems like ages ago now, as it was the start of June. There was a bit of stress about me getting there, in the first place, as we didn't have anyone to babysit DDs 1&2. My mum was invited, My dad, and FIL were both on holiday (separately), which left MIL who refused to come here on her own, as her husband was working. DH couldn't take the day off work, because he didn't have many holidays left and the few days he did have, he had to keep spare for my upcoming hospital appointments.
In the end, this was resolved by me going on the train to MILs with the children alone, when DH was in work, staying overnight, and the next day (Friday) I would then go back to Bristol, to my grandparent's house to pick up all my stuff and get a lift with my sister's best friend up to Manchester, whilst DH goes to work on Friday and after work, he'll drive to his mum's to look after the girls.
I was also *really* nervous about taking the pushchair on the train by myself. I had DD2 in the wrap, and DD1 is more than capable of walking, but MIL was adament that she wanted the pushchair too. My mum said MIL should buy a cheap one (like my mum has done). The Thursday came, and typically, DD1 (who never sleeps during the day) was asleep at 11am! So, I had no choice, but to load her into the pushchair asleep, with DD2 attached to me, and go on the bus to the train station. And walking to the trainstation was the next bit of stress because there were a million coaches outside, and i had no idea what I was menat to do if there was rail replacement. Fortunately, it didn't affect our service.
We were an hour early, though, because we had to get a specified train, but to be fair, both girls were really good, even though they were bored, and didn't run off or anything. And even though we were early, it was good that we had to catch that train - the train before was an hour late, and the train before that was delayed by 2 hours (!) so they all arrived within 15mins of each other. Our train was still busy, but somehow I managed to get on without losing anything. (I have a fear of losing things under the train, and between the platform edge.)
Anyway, we arrived and everything was all hunky dory. That night, DD2 was ina room with me, in the travel cot and DD1 was in MIL's room, as usual. Unfortunately, our room was ridiculously hot, so DD2 ended up in the single bed with me, so she could have loads of BFs. She still woke up drenched in sweat and really hot, so I had to wet the muslin square to keep her cool and get her body temperature down. It worked, thankfully, as I had no calpol with me - DH was bringing that with him in the car.
The next day, I left and caught the train to my grandparent's house. It was meant to take 3 hours, but we hit traffic as soon as we got of the sliproad onto the motorway, so ended up taking 4 hours. Nevermind, we were there at last.
The Chief Bridesmaid laid on this buffet, which was fantastic. She's Argentinian, and there was a host of various foods and flavours. My favourite was the chorizo (which I really should get the recipe for); it was cooked with white wine and sugar, and absolutely to die for! And the chief bridesmaid gave everybody a Hen Party champagne flute, so we can remember the weekend, which was a lovely touch.
My sister, being a teacher, had made badges for everyone, haha, and planned the first game which was an icebreaker. Each of us had to come up with 3 sentences of what we had done with my sister: 2 false and 1 true. The rest of us had to guess which was true, and 'bet' our drink whether we were right or wrong. My sentences were: Sister and I used to eat worms in the garden. Sister and I used to watch ET everynight before bed. Sister and I used to float down the stairs. Well, sister and I used to rescue worms from the garden, and put them in the composter. I've never seen ET all the way through, because my sister was terrified of it growing up. But we both have the memory of floating downstairs, without touching any of the steps, in our old house - so that was the true one.
After that game, it was my turn. In helping prepare for the night, I had done 2 things: Mr & Mrs, and also party bags for everyone, but they weren't coming out until the Saturday night. For my Mr & Mrs game, I had already asked my sister's fiance 15 questions about them/their relationship from where did they meet, to what was my sister's fantasy - admittedly a couple of questions were TMI for my liking! haha. I did ask "would you go on an all expenses paid naturist holiday?" to which both my sister and her fiance answered "no", so I won't be telling the family that we're naturist yet! Finally, I ended with 5 "what am I?" questions. Eg. a. I'm wet. b. I smell fishy. c. Men like to plunge into me. What am I?
The sea, of course! Tut, tut, tut, all you with naughty minds. Hehe. And as with the previous game, eveyone else had to place bets as to whether my sister would know the answer or not. My sister, depending on whether she got the answer right or not, got a 'nice' present (eg chocolates, smellies etc) or a 'naughty' present (dressing up stuff for the saturday, and a few things for her and her fiance). After more drinks, shots, and chat we played I have Never, though, tbh I found that a bit boring because nothing particularly juicy came up.
The next day, we had a Bridesmaid dress fitting - all because I have lost weight. I got down to 64kg, and my sister has banned me from losing any more weight now until the wedding, as there's no time for another fitting. We also saw my sister in her dress and she looks beautiful, of course.
The we went to the spa. I had hot stone massage for my treatment, which was really nice, but not as long as I was expecting/hoping for, as it was only 30mins. As I was having the same treatment as my mum, we went in together. We had to take pull our swimsuits down to our waist, and lay front-down on the table. My mum commented that she was glad to share a treatment room with me because she didn't mind me seeing her boobs, and she didn't mind seeing mine either. Yep, more proof that my family are not yet in a place to know we're naturists, haha. The other thing, is that because I still breastfeed, being away from DD2 this whole weekend, I needed to express fairly regularly, one of these times was in the spa itself. I went to the ladies' changing room and sat on the seat, and expressed. A lady was in there, and asked me to help with the zip of her dress, and then we had a brief conversation about expressing. She left, and my mum came in (this was just before our treatment, as I needed to empty my boobs before I could lie on my front!). My mum basically said [I can't remember her exact words now] that should I be doing that in here? I just said yes, but where the hell else am I meant to be. I was in the women's changing room ffs! Although I was tempted to express on the side of the pool (it was only our group there), #I wasn't going to because I know my mum's reaction. And then, she went on to say what if other people had come in? Well, one person had come in and talked about it, and a few other people came in briefly to change their clothes and either didn't notice, but didn't comment in any place, so clearly nobody - except my mum - minds. Argh. I find my mum's attitude to me BFing so bloomin' frustrating.
Anyway, I managed to get 30 lengths of the swimming pool swum, and had a shower first, so I could get some more expressing in, before our evening. We got the taxi back to my sister's house, and the taxi driver drove down a road that was blocked, so attempted to do a 3 point turn, but hit a bollard, showering my sister in glass! He didn't even stop to ask if everyone was ok, but continued driving! Needless to say, pictures went straight up on facebook! The three people in the back row, moved forward (we were in a 16seater minibus, but with only 10 of us in), which was a good thing too, because throughout the rest of the journey, glass kept splintering off, and shattering on the ground.
We got to my sister's in one piece, and got dressed quickly. I handed out a sash for everyone (green with pandas on) and a party bag each. The 'Hen Night Survival Pack' contained:
For a good night out:
Panda Mask
Cocktail Can
Party Poppers
Nail File
In case you get lucky:
Clean pair of pants
For the morning after:
Can of Full-fat Coke
Alka Seltzer
Chewing Gum
Hair bands
And everyone seemed to appreciate the time, and humour, of the bags, which was good. (If you haven't guessed yet, my sister is obsessed with pandas, which is why there was a big panda theme throughout.) We then went to the salsa night. For one price, we had champagne on arrival, a salsa lesson, tapas meal, and free entry to the club all night. And it was a proper dancing club, rather than a meat market, so people were up and dancing all night. I had a good time, even though I stopped drinking fairly early, but I do regret not asking anyone to dance. I do Ceroc dancing, and though the beat is slightly different, many of the moves are similar to salsa. That said, I did get one dance and he was awful. He couldn't dance and couldn't lead. I know everyone has to start somewhere, but he was friends with the best dancer in the place, and I wish I had the chance to dance with him instead. Admittedly it was not helped that I was wearing a white dress, the club had UV lights (so I was the brightest thing there, lol), and I started leaking milk. I couldn't wear breast pads, as they showed through the dress, so from that point on, I was wary about going to the main dance floor. Again, with hindsight, I wish I just didn't care - it's not as if I'd see any of these people again.

That's all there is really to say. We went back for yet more drinks. Had a good night sleep, and had breafast before getting a lift back to my grandparent's house in Bristol, where DH picked me up in the car (with DD1 and DD2, of course) and I drove home. Very tired, but had a good weekend.