Friday 18 February 2011

Dear Diary,

What a difference a sleep makes!  Yesterday I was feeling totally overwhelmed with everything, couldn't cope with DD1's tantrums, the state of the house nor DD2 crying.  And yet, DD2 slept through last night!  Not only did she not wake for a feed, she slept in DD1's room all night (as such, I should probably stop calling it DD1's room).

Today, I managed to tidy the living room!  To most people, that's probably not that big a thing, but our house is a mess, so this was massive!  Normally when I try, DD1 is undoing my tidying at a faster rate than I can tidy it in the first place.  Today, she was helping and not getting in my way (which is as good as helping).  I got a load of boxes and filled them with toys and took them upstairs; they're not sorted, but that can be left for another day.  I put tonnes of rubbish in the bin and recycling boxes, I swept up, hoovered the cushions and sofa, febreezed the sofa and curtains, and made the house (well, the front room) looking nice.  And because I promised/bribed DD1 to help me, this afternoon we made fairy cakes together, and iced them with pink icing.  As always, the red food dye spilt on my hands, so I now have a red thumb and first finger.

Potty training is going well too.  Yesterday we went to the cafe to meet some friends and DD1 was just in knickers (ie with no nappy over the top) and was fine on the bus, in the cafe and shopping afterwards.  She asked me a few times to go to the toilet, did so, and got lots of stickers when we returned home. 

And weaning DD2 is going well, too.  Today she had butternut squash soup, which she loved.  She has been a bit sicky this evening (tmi: orangey/milky) so I hope it wasn't the soup, but at least we know she loves trying different flavours.  I spoonfed her, rather than letting her have the spoon herself, and still made a mess everywhere.  I'm glad that most of the time I'm doing fingerfoods, as it's much less messy than mush!

Tonight we had an Indian takeaway for tea, and a glass of wine.  Today is the last day of DH's work, as he starts a new job on Monday.  So we had a treat for a mini celebration.  He was also given a cake from work, and because he took in with him doughnuts, he brought the cake home.  Not much dieting going on this weekend then.

Anyway, that's me for now.  Thanks for listening.

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